Grid Org. Now here's some good you can do for all of humanity and it won't take any of your energy, money or time! More than two million computers around the world are battling
cancer and terrorists through This organization harnesses the unused power of individual computers. Working together, they solve unimaginably difficult computational chores. They're currently working on three projects: cancer, anthrax and smallpox research. 
Ad Aware : A lot of companies distribute applications which they call 'ad ware' (advertising supported applications which instead of paying for, you agree to watch ads... or in some cases unknowingly agree to have your computer/internet usage tracked) ,often referred to as 'spy ware'. Being tracked is bad enough, but what makes this even worse is that many of these applications actually interfere with your other more important applications! Ad Aware not only detects these intrusions on your privacy, it also completely removes them from your system (as many of them don't go away when you do
a standard un install through Windows). Geeez, ever sneaky, eh?
AllChars : Now I really like this, and sometimes really need this program! When typing something, have you ever needed an accent (like į), or a currencey symbol (like ¢), or fractions (like ¼ ) or whatever? Well, with this gem, it's as simple as hitting a couple of keys (regardless of what program your using) . And of course, it's free. Have a look, eh?
AnsweringMachine: Now this is dumb, but verrrry funny! Are you still using the default message that was supplied with your telephone answering machine? Want to amuse your callers? Here you will find the largest collection of answering machine messages available anywhere. Sections include comedy, musical, weird, etc. Messages can be downloaded in MP3 format, then recorded to your machine to the delight or frightened confusion of your friends.
Anyware Software:A good Antivirus, It's Free and its
Appload Notify: If you've got web based email accounts, you can sometimes forget to go there and see if you've got mail. Appload Notify, supports all popular web based email such as: Hotmail, Yahoo, Lycos, Altavista, Go - Infoseek, CNN,, Euroseek and Caramail.This baby has features like : fully customizable notification alert, automatic internet update, automatic connection to your email account inbox, startup email checking. It can even connect automaticaly to the internet if you're off-line and then hang-up if it finds no new emails. You just gotta love this kind of free technology stuff, eh?
AVG AntiVirus : Get a copy of the AVG 6.0 Anti-Virus System Free Edition and you will be able to use it for an unlimited period of time. With it, you'll get a high-end software solution for reliable protection against the threat of computer viruses. You also get free monthly updates. Great program and you can't beat the price, eh?
Bookmarklets : Wow! New word, new concept! I'm not sure how to discribe these techno gems. They're a combination of browser bookmarks and Javascript code. They work on all platforms (Windows, Macintosh, Unix,...) You don't have to download or install software to use them. Bookmarklets lets you: modify the way you see someone else's webpage, extract data from a webpage, search more quickly, and in ways not possible with a search engine (have a gander at the "More Info About" bookmarklet), and they'll let you navigate in new ways. There are over 150 bookmarklets available. Ahhh, do yourself a favour and go there and try one, and then you'll see what I mean!
CD coverer : Hey Dude, are you burn'n your own CDs? If you are, then you're gonna love this! The program makes it easy for you to print out any type and size of images in the right size for the front and back for your CD box. Now "your" CDs will look like you actually bought them. Cool, eh?
Copying Machine : Wow! If you have a Twian scanner and a printer, then with this little gem you also now have a copying machine! It works just like any real copying machine, but has some additional capabilities.You can save images to disc and print them later without having to scan them again. You can also zoom in on a particular part of a document and copy only that section. It copies in colour or black and white, and it's fast too!
CorkBoard: It's a screen saving, note taking, picture hanging, memo minding, almost organizing, calendar keeping, interactive bulletin board..and more! And it's FUN! Com'on at least have a looksee. If you want to know what's like to have a little brother or sister always following you around, then you've just gotta have a look at these mouse tails. They've got thousands of cursor tails. This free mouse-enhancing program has hundreds of styles to choose from including rock stars, sports teams, cartoon characters and more. You can even create your own cursor skin and start your collection today. Don't say I didn't warn ya, eh?
Digital Postman : I love this techie stuff! Tired of having to go through the process of scanning a picture or document, then opening your email program and attaching that pic or document? Well with this baby you simply put your document on your scanners' glass and press the scan and send button. Digital Postman scans the document, opens a new e-mail message in your e-mail program and attaches the scanned image to the message. All this with just the click of one button! Neat, eh? And it's free too!
Dogpile: A great multi (25, count them!) Search Engine.
EmailFerret : Just type in a name and it will search the net for the email address. Great for contacting lost friends or school chums. Want a blast from the past?
FastSearch: Holy moly Batman, this is really faaaast! The major search engines only cover about 10% of the web, that means you miss 90% of the web when you search for something. This site has over 50% of the web cataloged , and will hit 100% within a year. And you won't believe how fast it is!.
Free Email Address Directory : Holy Cow Batman! Your quest to find a free email provider is over! You'll find over 550 free email providers and free email-related services listed here, guides to beating spam and exploiting free email, and directories for you to look up the
email addresses of family and friends.
FreeZip : You just gotta download this Zip Utility. It's the easiest Unzipper to use on Net! All you have to do to unzip a file is to double click it. It'll unzip fast and easy. Snag it now, eh?
IrfanView: Now this has gotta be the best ( and probably the smallest) free graphic viewer out there! Some of it's features are: Thumbnails, Preview, Drag & Drop Support, fast Directory View (fast moving through directory), Print Support, Scan (TWAIN) Support, Slideshow, Batch conversion, change the color depth, audio CD player, Capturing, Cut/Crop, Effects (Blur, Sharpen etc.) and more. Only one EXE-File, no DLLs. All this and it's Free! Thanks Dennis Gaitlin. : Don'tcha just hate to hear that alarm clock go off? Well there's another way to wake up. Let Ma Bell do it. That's right, this program will phone you at what every time of day you choose. You can select lots of different wake up messages, or even record your own message. Only catch is, you'll have to listen to commercials. But what the heck, it's free and you can always hang up once your awake!
Panicware Inc : You'll really like this one. It stops those annoying pop-up windows from appearing while surfing with Internet Explorer. ( boy, they can be a real pain.) If you want, you can instantly allow any pop-up window by holding down the Control (CTRL) key while selecting a link on a web page. There is nothing to set up. It just couldn't be easier. If you hate those Popups, then you're gonna love Pop-Up Stopper.
PC Pitstop : PC Pitstop can help you get your PC in top form -- running fast, stable and secure. It runs diagnostics on your PC to identify things that might help improve performance. The process is fully automated, private and safe. After the diagnostics run, they'll give you tips for improving all kinds of things. Best of all, the service is free! The included free antivirus program checks for viruses in the most common places: memory, boot sector, root directory, Windows and Windows System directory, and the My Documents directory. Usually takes only a couple of minutes.
Photojam : Create your very own musical photo albums! On their site, click on Photojam, it's on the left hand side listed under "Only On Shockwave". Now all you have to do is decide which pictures you want to use and what favorite song to add. (I picked 10 pictures of me and choose the song "Oh, your so vain" ) I watch it over and over. Gotta love it, eh?
Print Key: Make hard copies of anything on your screen, or just portions of it! FREE
Push the Freakin' Button : Tired of having to sit in front of your screen to push those darn dialog buttons to get applications to continue loading? This little gem does it all for you automatically!
Rainbow Folders : (RF) is an easy to use program, it lets you colour your folders. Hey, now you don't have to read the name of the folder you're looking for, just find the colour and click it! Why little bumkin?To more quickly identify the folder you're looking for. Get it in either English or Polish. Pretty snazzy, eh?
Rambooster: When it comes to handling memory, Windows grabs huge chunks, even when it doesn't need them, and programs are left to fight it out for virtual memory (from the hard drive). RamBooster monitors memory usage and, when it gets down to a predetermined level (usually 10% of RAM), it automatically recovers lost memory. You can also manually recover lost memory (often 50% or more of the total RAM). it prevents many of the blue screens and system lock-ups. It has a simple interface and can be set to be loaded when Windows boots up and also to reside in the desktray. Get It now! Now hear this! (literally). Just imagine having web pages and e-mail read aloud to you. This program gives you a choice of four natural-sounding human voices. The next time you have more than a minute or so of reading to do from your computer screen, let this puppy read it to you while you get up from your chair, stretch and take a break while listening. (OK Hal, I'm listening!)
RealNetworks: Now this is real neat! With RealPlayer G2 you can tune into all kinds of live radio stations also tune into business, news, show biz, sports and all kinds of other stuff. Many Websites are now using RealPlayer to play music on their sites. It's a must have! Get this Free baby now!
SETI@home: ".... and one giant step for mankind." Wowee! Believe me, this isn't science fiction! SETI@home is a scientific experiment developed by the Wizards at Berkeley, that will harness the power of hundreds of thousands of Internet-connected computers in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). You can actually participate by running a program that downloads and analyzes radio telescope data. There's a small but real possibility that your computer will detect the faint murmur of a civilization beyond Earth! Wow, beam me up Scotty!.
Smartsum Calculator : I gotta tell ya, this has to be the nifftyest calculator I've seen! It talks ( in either male, female or your own voice.) It's large and has both digital and scrolling tally screens. The tally screen lets you see every entry you've made. You can go back and change or delete any entry, or add comments to individual entries. You can even put in your local sales tax calculations! Wow, and it's all free! Do yourself a favour and get it. Oh yea, I almost forgot, you can download a hardcopy of the scrolling tally screen whenever you need a permanent record.
SpinRite5:Here's a program that hides your computer IP address (Just scroll down and click on the Shields Up banner). With this little puppy, hackers wont even know that your computer even exists. Great idea,eh? I know a lot of dudes who had to spend a lot of money to repair their computer after it crashed because of the Chernobyl virus. This FREE puppy safely detects and removes all known strains of the W95.CIH (Chernobyl) virus. Aww com'on, you know that in this day and age you should be practicing Safe Surf'n !
TakeAIM : This little program disables that pesky little Netscape add-on (version 4.X) called AIM (AOL Instant Messenger). You never have to see that annoying dialogue again. What a beauty eh!
Talking Greeting cards : Holy Cannoli Batman, this is really coooool! If you've got young'ns (or just young at heart) that you want to send messages to, then you've just gotta have a look at this program. You can send talking (not your voice) animated messages, over the Web, with a click of a button. You choose which characters to use, what they will say, which animations they will perform, and how they will move on the screen. The kids'll love 'em! But be warned! Once you start creating one, your creative juices will begin to flow, and you'll be there for hours. Lighten up and have some fun, eh?
TClockEx : This little gem adds the month, date and day to your task bar clock, using any font and background colour you may want. This is something that Microsoft should have thought of! Works with Windows 9X/NT. Com'on Bill G, pay attention!
The Hunger Site: I just had to include this site on my page! You won't get any free software here, but you will give a hungry child something to eat. And it won't cost you one cent! Take a moment and go to this Site and click the "Donate Free Food" button ( it takes just a second ) and you'll be helping a hungry child. ( and it'll make you feel pretty good too!) Aaah com'on, let's all help save the world, bookmark this site, and go there every day, eh?
Type It In : Are your little pinkies gett'n tired with all that typing, sweetpea? Well, here you'll find a great free macro program. You'll never again have to type repetitive stuff like: Name. Address, etc., etc., when filling out internet forms or any other repetitive stuff. You can save up to 50 macros!! And the great thing is, you use your mouse and not combos on your keyboard. Pretty neat eh? It also saves you from using programs like Gator. (but don't use Gator to fill out froms, 'cause it hides adware cookies on your PC and then monitors your surfing activities, ugh!) : This is really cool! This baby lets dudes send you voicemail via the net or by phone! That's right, you can send and/or receive messages from any browser or phone! You can use it from home, work, school, or anywhere you can access the Internet or a phone. You also get a calendar, an address book, a bookmark folder and file storage of up to15mb. There's no software to download, and best of all, it's all free! (and it makes you feel pretty cool, when you give out your very own 800 number!) Thanks Matt Playne.
3D Cafe : If you're into fonts, you'll love this Site. You'll think you've died and gone to font heaven. Over 10,000 fonts! (count 'em and let me know if I'm exaggerating.)
Veripost : This is a geat site for cleverly notifying everyone, of your email address change. In one easy step, and ya gotta love that Hey Mr. Postman song, eh?
Whisper 32 : This is a very easy-to-use Password Manager for Windows 95 and Windows NT. Store all of your passwords in one file. Password protection. Data files are encrypted . Built-in password generator. Passwords may be set to expire at user-configurable intervals. Never again have to type in passwords or user-names, use the Windows clipboard to transfer them. Automatic backups. Give it a look eh? It's free!
Zonelabs : Wowie, here's a free firewall! ZoneAlarm blocks all attempts by outside forces to access your PC. It also blocks all attempts by programs running on your own PC to communicate (without your permission or knowledge!) over the Internet or your local network. When it detects suspicious traffic, it pops up a message box that reveals the originating application's filename, what resource it's trying to access, and gives you some options. Ya gotta have this baby if you want to practice safe surf'n.
Zdnet's JustExit : Now this is neat! Tired of clicking those boxes to shut down Windows95? With this little puppy you simple left double click a light bulb icon in your task bar and its done! Right-click on the icon to bring up a menu of options: Log Off User, Shut Down Windows, Reboot Computer, etc. Bye, Bye, carpal tunnel syndrome
Let me know if my effort's worth it. What you do think of this Site? Sign my guest book! Just click here!
American Greetings :This is a really neat site. It has a great selection of good looking cards, including animated ones with sound. For something really different (and silly) go to the "Just because" section and click on "more", then scroll down the left hand side and click on "Wassup". (Well I told you it was silly!) They've got a section where you can make cards and print them on your computer. You'll also find a "comics & games" section. A very impressive site! Let me know what you thinAk of it. : Another good musical card site that also includes pre recorded sayings. They've also listed their songs in catagories, including: Freindship, Thank God it's friday, Star wars, Kinda Kute, Cute & adorable, For that special person, Friendsip, Insults (why bother?), Hello, Happy Birthday and many more, but you get the picture,eh?
Awsome Cyber Cards: More FREE
cards with music. Many categories. Create a card using your own pictures. It's easy, and fun! Just use this simple page to custom create your own cards for all kinds of occassions. Yea, you can even use your very own pictures! (Oh you're so vain!:-)
Digital Cards: FREE musical cards.
Graphics Schmaphics Judaic Greetings: Hey, this is pretty neat. Send your Jewish friends a Jewish greeting card, with music, yet! Cards can be used for the High Holy Days. There are over two dozen cards to choose from. Some of the songs include: Dreidel (the Hanukka song), Erev Shel Shoshanim (Rosh Hashanah), Exodus and many more. Shalom, eh?
Halleujah Post Cards: A nice selection of musical and animated Christian, inspirational ,sentimental and light hearted cards.
HallMark Cards : When you're too cheap to pay to send the very best, or something like that. High quality all occassions ecards from a well known quality card maker.With music and sound effects. Go ahead and impress your friends!
HP Printsville : Remember when people actually sent honest to goodness real cards? You know, via the post office? This is a great site for those who don't have a card printing program. (can't afford one, or don't have enough space on their hard drive.) The site has 17 categories of great cards that you print right from the Web! Nutt'n to down load! Suprise someone and give them a real card. (Like in the old days, eh?)
Postcards online: This is a pretty neat site for animated, musical cards. Believe it or not, they have over 50 catagories! You'll have some fun deciding which ones to send, but hey, just make a decision, eh? Here's another pretty good card site. You can use your own pictures, add music (theirs) and jazz up the card with some good colour effects. You can send cards now or even have them delivered up to 10 months from now. (great feature if your memory is like a sieve!) They have a load of catagories, they've even got that annoying Dancing Baby. They've got some pretty neat special effect cards too. (you'll need shockwave) There's lots more, but I'm run'n otta room. Go have a look see for yourself, eh?
Shockrave Flash cards.: Send wierd cards to all your weird friends. If you enjoy South Park, you'll these critters! Requires Shockrave and you can get it here, under help.
Sofine's Cards: I love this Site! There are some really great, unique, musical, animated cards here. ( all occasions too!) Don't pass this one up. Have a gander at "Cosmic Birthday". It'l blow your mind!
2000 Greeting cards :They've got a great selection of animated and musical cards. To name just afew catagories : Apology, Birthday, Breaking Up, Congratulations, Family, Fill In the Blanks, Get Well , Inspirational , Magical Cards, etc., etc., etc. Get the picture? They even have a newsletter to get updates on their newest greeting cards! .
Midi Players & Plugins: You'll need a Midi player to hear the following music files. To find a MIDI player, helper application, or plugin for your Web browser check here. You'll find everything you need to know, but only what you absolutely need to know! ( A good choice is Cresendo , it's free) Folk music of England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales and North America. Most of the songs and ballads also include the lyrics! Some of the catagories are: Love, War, Lullaby, Sea, Drinking, America, Canada/Australia . Hundreds of files. A great Site of old fashion music.
Lauras Midi Heaven : Wow!, now this gem of a site is a really different and neat Midi site. You wont find any of the current popular songs here. What you will find is: Kids songs, Classical, Folk, Christmas, Spiritual, Patriotic/March, Ragtime, College, State and International songs. As if that wasn't enough, the really great thing about this site is that it has a section of original songs that have been uploaded by their authors. Laura has almost 200 really great original songs. Do yourself a favour and go here, make sure you click on "Original - upload yours!" and give a listen to some really great stuff.
Marybeth's memorable Melodies: Excerpts of actual recordings of the 50's and 60's. Some you can save to disk, others you'll play on the Net. (Some are slow loading) It's real Groooovey!
Mel Owens Electric Church in a box: The name says it all! Hundreds of Gospel Midis. Good sequencing too!
MIDI Search Engine: Whoa there Kemosaube, this one's really awesome! I typed in the really old oldie, "Smoke gets in your eyes" and this puppy quickly found 9 sites with that tune. Go there and type in one of your favorites that you haven't heard in a long time, and I'll betcha this puppy will find it for you. If it can't, I'll just hum it for you, O.K.?
Mrs. Jasmin's Midi Files: Extremly professional sounding Midis! Hundreds of popular songs. If you're into Midis, then you just gotta go here.( And if you're not into Midis, go here to see what you're missing.)
Selected Midi File Site: Among one of the best Midi sites I've seen on the Net! From Country to Classical, plus links.
Seventies MIDI Jukebox: This site has some great oldies from ABBA to ZZ Top. They've got 170 great Seventies hit singles and album tracks in MIDI format. Use them as background music or, if you're feeling really artistic, plug in a mike and sing along in karaoke style! Love that buttercup, Ahhh sweet memories!
The Fifties Web: Hey Boomers! This is a great musical trip down memory lane! A really great Site with Midis, lyrics, original recordings and super links!
Don't miss it!
3D Cafe : If you're into wave files, you'll love this Site, you'll find 100's of good ones here!
Trachtman Cyber-Ragger : Great ragtime music, also free sheet music! If you liked the sound track of the movie Sting, then you'll love this site!
Arachnophilia HTML Workshop: A great FREE HTML editor & tutorials. (easy to use!)
CoffeeCup image slicer : OK all you narcistic types, if you really are determined to put your photo on your web page, then this is the app you just gotta use. This baby will divide your large image files for faster downloads. So if ya gotta do it, do it with this gem!
Cool Hey, if you want to make your web site look professional and personalized at the same time, then ya gotta go here! This site will make your own Logos, Buttons and Bullets for you.
Cybernetix: Top150 really great animated Gifs. Plus links to other Free Gifs. Do yourself a favour and go there!
Elated.Com: 100's of Free web graphics & links to other free web resourse sites. Excellent!
Elite Concepts Promote: Think your site is good enough to show it to the whole world ? These dudes will list your Site with 50 search engines for free! If you put their banner on your page, they'll put your Site on 750 search engines!! WOW! : Now this must be one of the mothers of all web page graphics stuff! It's got everything including headings, buttons, arrows, bullets, dividers, fonts and even clipArt! Over 10,000 objects. If you can't find something here that you like, then you'll never find it. And to top it off, it's easy to use!
GifWorks : It's an online GIF image editor. This unique tool is completely on-line -- nothing to download or install. And it's Free. Create your own special effects with any GIF -- even animated ones! Resize it, colorize it, optimize it, and jazzercise it. Libraries include Animated GIF, Background , Border , Icon , and Lines. Way cooool eh? If you really want to jazz up your web page, then you must have java. Here you'll find applets, (all kinds of scrolling stuff) games, tricks and tips and much more. :Wanna see just how popular (or unpopular) your site is? You can even visit sites that have linked to yours. Well if you've got thick skin, or are just plain nosey, then click over to this site. (Oh, you're so vain)
LiveCursors: This is really coooool. Say goodbye to that arrow. Change your webpage cursor to one of over 35 themes in 7 catagories! (animals, sports, religious, flags, holiday, etc.). You'll need Comet Cursor, it's found on this Site and it takes about 10 seconds to download. It's free and I gotta tell you it's really neat ! (It works in Windows 95, 98, and NT, Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator (versions 3 or higher). Sorry, Macintosh is not yet supported, but will be in a few months.
Media Builder: Build your own instant online Web page Banner for free! Also includes a large image library and other neat stuff.
NetMechanic: FREE in depth Website check , for load time, dead links, bad HTML tags, server load speed. Results sent to you by email. Now this is kinda coool! How do you really know if your website is up? These dudes will watch your website for you, for FREE. If it ever becomes unavailable, they'll send an email to you or your pager gateway with detailed error information. ( Ahh, but who will watch the watchers, eh?)
NovaMagic: Brighten up your graphics! Hey, what more can I say?
Rinkworks Dialict : I'm not sure what kind of a mind comes up with this kind of an idea. But it is kinda neat. So if you want to have a few chuckles, go here! Just type in a URL of your choice (your site?). In a short time that site will appear, but the English will have been changed to one of the following "dialects" of your choice. (Redneck, Jive, Cockney, Elmer Fudd, Swedish Chef, Moron, or Pig Latin.) It really is something to behold! You can also write some text and let it "dialectize" it for you. Awesome! Tired of spammers getting your e-mail address off your web site and then spamming you to death? Then go to this site and simply enter your e-mail address and in a matter of minutes, they'll send you the HTML code which you insert into your Web page. While everything will appear "normal" in the browser, e-mail extractors won't be able to 'see' or extract your address. Good stuff eh? the JPEG Cruncher's on-line's ability, you simply enter the location of an image, either from your hard drive or the web, hit their crunch button and watch the file size of your image shrink dramatically! You can squeeze photos, auction images, product shots, backgrounds, logos,
and other images into great-looking, streamlined JPEGs that speed up download times by up to 90%.
The JavaScript Source: An excellent Java script Site, with loads of Free "cut and paste" examples! Sprinkled with very humorous editorial remarks. Go there!
URL Redirection: Hey, do think your visitors might be getting swollen digits typing your looooong web site URL? Well these dudes have come up with a great solution. They replace your long
web address with a short link. ( you still keep your looooong URL, it's just hidden ) And they don't insert any popups or other adds on your site! Great idea, eh? And of course it's
Venus Animated Gifs: 2000+ FREE Gifs (great
Voilition Com: HTML tutorials & webpage "things" for ALL web builder levels!
Web Author's Freebies: All kinds of help in making a web page!!! Everything you'd ever want to put on your page.
WebFX: Now this is neat-o! A web-based graphics effects generator. The best graphics editor I've ever seen! Create loads of groovy graphics for your website or send out "postcards" with it
Webgfx: Hey, wanna create classy, professional looking, logos, buttons and navigation images? You can with this free service from Switzerland. As an example, you just click on "Log-O-Mat;" select the font and logo style that you want; and type in your message and these dudes will create your image for you.These folks also offer complete Web sites, with 12 megs of space, a guestbook and a chat room for free. Give it a look see, eh?
Xenu's Link Sleuth: Get reports on : Broken links (and it lists the reasons), Redirected links (and it gives the new URLs), and much much more. (Don't expect your visitors to do this work for you.) This baby is lightening Faaast and it's Free!! WOW Get it!
Drug Digest: Check to see what perscription drug (and herbal) combinations are dangerous. It has a section that compares drugs, side effects and lists treatment options You can also keep up with the flurry of new treatments being developed and introduced, all within the privacy of your home. As news breaks, They'll email you a confidential news bulletin tailored to your interests.Not bad eh? And you don't even need an appointment!
Age of Reason: Reach out and touch someone! Some of the services in the "Seniors Features" section include Email Clubs, Singles Email Club, Vacation and Home Exchange Directory, Memorial Pages, Bulletin Board, People Search Board and lots more! It offers resources for users seeking practical information about senior lifestyles. There is a list of sites that try to make the Internet senior friendly.
Back to the Fifties: Ahh, is it ever great to be able to understand what the heck the singer is saying, and lyrics that really mean something! (Yea, like shaboom, shaboom, yatada, yatada, yatada yatada :-) Well anyway the words weren't offensive. This guy has got songs by Brenda Lee, Buddy Holley, Johnny Ray, Connie Francis, Jo Stafford, the Four Lads, The Platters and every other one of your old favourites. Do yourself a favour and go back down memory lane. You'll love it. (P.S. You'll need Real Player to hear these blasts from the past.)
Cyndi's Lists: Links to over 3100 Genealogy sites! Wowie, trace your roots back Adam and Eve. (Well almost, kinda, maybe, sorta.)!
FamilySearch: This has got to be the mother of all ancestor search sites. If you can't find your ancestors here, then I don't know were you'll find them! This site is provided FREE by the Mormon church, and is considered the largest database of genealogy in the world. The family tree program
Personal Ancestral File® 4.0.3 can be downloaded free from the site.
Fibber : Aaaah for the good old days! Many of the programs from the Golden Days of Radio have disappeared forever, but happily you can still listen to the Fibber McGee and Molly Show. This site has dozens of rare pictures and clippings of the stars, performers and writers of that popular old-time radio show, plus it has a Fibber and Molly collectables section and for your listening pleasure, it has complete shows in MP3 format for downloading.
Fifty Plus Net. (C.A.R.P): Information for the 50+ Canadian crowd.
Free Stuff for Seniors: Free
information re legal help and health care. Free stuff and info for seniors. Most Free
stuff and tips are USA only.
Generations: A free Genealogy Tree Builder. Keep a detailed record of your family history. You can also include pictures of everyone in your family tree. Detailed instructions on how to use the program is also found on this web site. Author Dan Morin is continualy updating this program with new capabilities. Down load this great free program now!.
Genealogy com: Wow! We are not alone. You'll be surprised at how many unknown relatives you can contact. Somewhere on the Internet, there may be information about your family. This site will search : the Internet, Message Boards, Virtual Cemetery, Family Home Pages, Civil War Databases , Commercial genealogy CDs and the Yikes, if you're related to them all, it'll cost you a fortune in Christmas cards! Find that long last relative now. Hey, you may be related to a millionaire. Yea, as if!
Genealogy Now that you've got a neat Genealogy Family Tree Builder program (See Generations entry above) , it's time to start searching for all those lost ancestors. On this Site you can check out all kinds of genealogy related sites, from Coats of Arms, New Web Sites, Passenger Lists, Regional Studies, Census Records, Cemetery Listings, Society Sites, Military Info, Misc Databases, Obituaries and all kinds of stuff. It even has a Surname search engine. Do yourself a favour and check this one out!
Health and Age: Nutritional advice and information on a wide range of diseases and conditions. The great thing here, is you can choose normal, large or extra large print to suit your viewing. They also have a news letter you can subscribe to. Good stuff eh?
Historic American Sheet Music: I have no idea which section this great site should be listed be in. It has 100's of actual reproductions of sheet music and covers used between 1850 to 1920. (cake walks, minuets, polkas, quadrilles, schottishes, waltzes, etc.) It also lists by each decade, major events in U.S. politics & government, international affairs, inventions, exploration, etc. But it's the sheet music that you really gotta see. Do yourself a favour and go there, eh?
MyFamily: Now this is a really good thing! At My you get your very own PRIVATE free family web site with your own chat, calendar, photo album, news center, and more. This is a fantastic way to stay in touch with all of your extended family, no matter where you or they are. It's like a great big private family bulletin board, where everyone lets everybody else know what's going on! (well, almost everything). Because of it's popularity, it sometimes loads slow, but is well worth the wait! Hey, do you remember those great songs like My Heart Cries For You, Pittsburg Pennsylvania , My Truly, Truly Fair , Tell Me Why , I'm Yours. Well you can hear snippets of these oldies here. Just visit Pop History Now, it's filled with glimpses of your past. Every day this site delivers the chart toppers and the big news items of the current week in a "past" year. (You'll need Real Player if you want to hear these oldies, and you can download it from my Software section at "RealNetworks")
Senior's Search : A great search directory for the 50+ crowd! Over 60 catagories and 100's of sub directories, from "Airlines" to "working at home".
The Old Folk's Home: A tour of the 1930's and 1940's through the eyes of a young southern boy. Nostalgia about growing up in the good old days. Remember comic books, the great drepression, World War 2, Radio soap operas, good old fashion reciepes? ( Ahhh memories, now were did I put that box of Kleenex?)
Breast Cancer Site: Hey, just go to this site and help an under previleged woman. All you do is click a button and a woman gets a free mammogram at no cost to you or her. Com'on give a little helping hand to someone you don't know. It wont cost you anything except about 30 seconds of your time, and it will make you feel pretty good too. (Thanks Greg)
Coolmajictrick:This web page title says it all. This is a really cooool card trick. I just hate it when computers appear to be smarter than me. Just how the heck is it done? But you've gotta admit it's pretty cool, eh?
danggoodjokes: Really funny stuff to email to your friends. If you need a good laugh today (and want to share it with friends) go here. You'll be glad you did.
Dr. Daniels Movie Emergency: O.K. heres the deal. I don't think this Dude does anything except go to the movies! If you're a movie goer, your gonna love this site. He's revieved hundreds of current movies. (pretty good sounding reviews, I might add.) But unlike those who rate films with grades, stars, or thumbs, Dr. Daniel has a sliding scale reflecting his medical expertise.(?) Don't know how good of a Doc he is but he's a pretty good movie critic. Give him a try, 'cause with this Doc you don't need any kind of insurance!
EasyFoto: The problem I find with sending bunches of photos to my family by email is that the pics take so darn long to download and then the recipient has to click on an attached file, etc, etc. Here's a fast and great way to send your photos. At EasyFoto you get a personal photo album on the Net to upload all your pics to. Then, just send your friends your very own personal photo album URL, and they can view all your pics with just one simple click. What a super idea! I don't have a section were this site belongs, but I do know everyone should visit it! This year, just in the States alone, over ½ million are expected to die of cancer, that's more than 1500 people each day! This site exists to help find a cure to end cancer world wide now. Visit the site and click on the button to make a free donation to cancer research through the American Cancer Society. Sponsors pay for your donation, which you can make once a day. (this disease touches all our lives, help eradicate it!)
eWeather Office : e-Weather is a service from Environment Canada's WeatherOffice, delivering 5-day weather forecasts for cities of your choice (Canada, United States and the World) delivered on your schedule to your e-mail account. The site gives you the ability to receive forecasted weather information, and you can choose up to 3 locations, 3 times per day during any 24 hour period, direct to your e-mail inbox. And the best part?'s FREE! : Holy Moly Bateman, you mean I can win 1 million dollars (U.S.) and it won't cost me a cent! That's right, kiddo! If you love buying and playing lottario games for cash prizes, then, have they got a deal for you. You can play a max of 3 free games each day. The catch? While your picking your numbers they hope you'll read their advertisments. A small price, eh? (Oh yea, I just received a check in the mail from them for one buck, U.S.!) : How much easier can it get? Now you can send your photos to all your netizen friends and relatives even if you don't have a scanner, and it's free! They'll even send you a free roll of film ( if your in Canada or the States.) so you can see how it works. You can also join Easyfoto for free, from their site. It doesn't get much better than this! Free online BINGO. Win money! A new game every 30 minutes. You're required to fill out a registration form, the first time there. Break a dauber! Hal, the talking computer in the movie "A space Odysey -2001" is alive and well, and living somewhere on the net. With this great telephone message program, you can surprise and amaze your friends. When they answer their phone, they're told that you (your password name) have sent them a message, and to hear it they just have to press #1 on their phone. A computer voice then "reads" your typed message! Oh yea, the site says it only works in the U.S., but I've used it in Canada, and it works fine. So eliminate your long distant phone bills, and let your fingers do the walk'n, eh?
LottoLore: Get the latest winning numbers for all National & Provincial Canadian lotteries. Now I really like this baby. Send and receive emails from the net, without any software or singup. It lets you use your POP3 email through an easy web interface. Whether you're traveling on the road or sitting behind a firewall, you can use Windows, Macintosh or a Unix computer. They claim your activities remain private and none of them are recorded. (and natch, it's free!)
Magic Camera: Eeeeek, a camera that takes pictures of you right through your monitor. Comb your hair and put on some nice threads, cause big brother is watching you, right now! Thanks Ronnie Playne. WOW! Just type in an address for anyware in US/Canada and you'll see that exact location on a map! It will even show you how to get there from where you are, and how many miles or kilometers. What a blast!
MapMachine : This is a National Geographics site. Here you'll find Atlas maps, (Geez, I typed in my home town and got 40 towns around the world to choose from!) and Flags and Facts of every country in the world. (Yea dudes, it'll help you doing homework) You can select different map themes, such as Physical, Political & Cultural, Weather & Climate. Wanna see were earthquakes have taken place, or where they're likely to happen? It's all here, and a whole lot more! Hey,Cap'n Kirk, they've even got star maps.
Pitstop com : Here's a place online where you can scan for viruses without needing to download and install any software. Hey, it save a lot of disk space, eh?
PlaySite: Pssst. Wanna play games against others on the Net, or just watch as a guest? There are four areas, Board (checkers, chess, backgammon, etc) Card (bridge, cribbage, euchre, etc.) Word (tangleword) They've got really great graphics! Also a chat area. Slow loading, but if you like the Site you can download Castanet Tuner for really fast loading. Let the games begin!
Segmatioin (SegPlay): Now this is really neato! What do you get when you cross a jigsaw puzzle with a paint by numbers program? You'd probably get SegPlay! I can't discribe it any better than that. You fill in numbered sections of a picture with colours. You have your choice of Simple (easy) or Advanced (difficult). You're timed to put a little pressure on you. For the really complicated pictures you can enlarge areas. Just click on "SegPlay on line". Com'n give it a try, eh? (It's kinda slow loading, so have patience, it's worth the wait.)(Thanks Jen)
Techno Teen : Hey, if you're over 12 and under 20, I think you'll really groove to this site. It has oodles of areas in four catagories: Hanging out, Entertainment, Information and Techno teen. (Warning: not for the over the hill 20 and over crowd!)
3 Hole challenge : Wannna play a quick three holes of golf but can't get a tee time? With this gem of a game you'll be able to do just that. You get to choose which club, get your backswing just right, and four! You'll need Shockwave 7.0 or higher and you can get it from this site. Watch out tiger, here comes the competition!
Twenty Questions : Hey this is great! Is it animal, vegetable or mineral? Play twenty questions with an artificial intellligence program. The programs asks the questions. You get to pick the object. I tried it twice and both times "it" guessed the answer in under 20 questions. Real awesome eh?
Zairmail : Can you believe it? The Net using snail mail (currently only in U.S.). Now here's something a little different.Type your letter and they'll print it, and mail it using the United States Postal Service for free!. The catch is the recipient gets a page of quote "useful discounts, offers, and coupons" unquote. Well it's free, and if your friend isn't connected to the Net, it may not be a bad idea, eh? Hey, do ya wanna know the future? Well, at least the four day weather forecast for your area. On this site you can get forcasts for most cities in Canada & the States, also major cities of the world. Get regional weather maps, were the mosquitoes are worst (I'm not kidd'n). And for Canadians you also get UV, Pollen and Air Quality reports for your area. But where ever you live, this site will keep you up to date weatherwise! : Ever had a file (an MP3, a picture, a document, etc.) you wanted to share with someone, but knew it was just way to large to send as email? Well these dudes have solved that problem for ya. You notify the recepient by email to go to your Whalemail mailbox to pick up the file ( it can be up to 50MB!). Since WhaleMail is a file transfer service, and not a file storage solution, the file is deleted after 7 days. This game is fun and a mental challenge to boot! You have to clear the board before time runs out! The faster you clear the board, the higher your level rating. You start by clicking any two matching symbols next to each other. That sounds simple enough eh? Well, it gets a little more complecated than that, and you can read the rest of the rules on site. It's a deceptively simple fun game. Hey, give it a try and let's see what level you can get to. (You tell me yours and I'll tell you mine. Yea, right!) : If you feel like you've got some time on your hands, then this is the place you gotta go to. It's got over 25 free games. (If you're into violent games , then don't bother going here, 'cause you wont find any !) The game I really enjoyed was bejeweled ( make as many three or more same-colored gem matches as you can by swapping two gems either vertically or horizontally.) Level 1, isn't timed and if you get stumped, the correct gem flashes to show you the next move. My kind of game eh?
AmiWeb: Wow, thank goodness, a child safe browser! It's free, safe and reserved for children and parents. With AmiWeb, parents can let their little ones surf the net and have peace of mind. AmiWeb lists the best sites for children and thousands of them use it every day to have fun, discover new things and learn. Updates are done daily in order to offer access to the best sites available on the net for kids. Their Mission statement reads " To help children discover the Internet by guiding them towards the best sites available. - To reassure parents about the Internet by offering a safe environment adapted to their children." Hey, about time, eh?
CBS Kids Zone : 5 real cool online kids games. : With a name like this, you know you'll find all kinds of stuff for your young'uns to do. Click on the Crayola Activity Book icon and you'll find find printable coloring pages, craft ideas, and games in an amazing array of choices. On this site you'll find every possible way to have fun with crayons.
etch-a-sketch: : Hey you boomer parents, I know your kids just can't believe how you survived your childhood without video games or computers. Well let them have a look at this precomputer fun thing you called the etch-a-sketch. You might even want to try it again yourself. (What a blast from the past, but I still can't got those diagonals to work right!)
Free Computer Crafts: All kinds of Free craft ideas, instructions and pattern downloads. For Kids of all ages! Also links to other Free Craft
Idea Box : Home alone with the kids? This site labels itself an "early childhood education and activity resources". It's got crafts, activities, games, songs, on line stories (some with sound, some interactive) and lots more for the little ones. Fantastic, go there already! Hey parents, teachers, scout leaders and, of course, kids! On this site you'll find lots of creative activities for kids ages 2 through 15. They've got thousands of craft ideas! Christmas ornaments, the always-popular Pasta Art, Tie-Dye, Beads, and lots more. Impress your friends and family with your new-found creativity! : OK you crafty little critters, you're gonna love this site! They've got all kinds of neat free crafts for kids. They've also got crafts for the more advanced (adults?). And a whole lot more. Thanks, Ronnie
NasaKids: What a blast! Hey the kids will be here all day. Sections include: Space & Beyond, Rockets and Airplanes, Projects and Games, Pioneers and Astronauts and more. Very educational and fun to boot!. Have a look see.
Puzzle Yea, I know this is supposed to be just for kids, but I really enjoyed playing at this site. They say this on line coloring book is just for kids, but don't you believe it. You color in the pictures online and then you can print them to show everyone! You'll need a Flash plugin and you can get it on site. Come'n get those creative juices go'n, eh?
Prongo: Good looking site for kids in three age groups (3 to 6, 6 to 9 and 9 to 12) They've got free online games, quizzes, clip art, e-cards, wallpaper, kids jokes, screensavers, and more. It's a fun, interactive, and educational way to Learn. Hey it's gain without the pain, eh?
The Sony Station: Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy, Soaps, Kids Games, Tots Sing a long & more!
Virtual Dog :Pssst, Wanna adopt a virtual dog? (OK, but remember, you have to feed, water, walk, train,
love and scoop!) Move over Tamaguchi!
Virtualdrawing: A cute little drawing board like etchaskech. You draw a picture, then add a message and send the whole darn thing as an email to someone. The recepient can then change or add to your drawing and send it on to someone else (or back to you!). Hey this could go on forever.
WorldAlmanacForKids: Hey, now that school has started, here's a great site for looking up info for those homework assignments. (and it's also got lots games for when you need a break :-) It's slanted towards USA info, but there's all kinds of info for everybody. Neat-o! At this site you can make your own puzzles, then see how quickly your smarty pants friends can solve them! You can even print 'em and pass them around.
Sonique: Wowie, isn't technology fantastic! Forget about Midi files, collecting MP3z is like having your own record collection. Sonique is a free MP3 Player. Get it here and listen to some great music! (Only drawback is that most MP3 files are slow loading, but heck, once they're downloaded they're yours.)
audiofind com. : Wow, now this is a really a great site. It has 30 catagories of music. And just way too many mp3z for me to count. Go here and expand your music library ! It also has a pretty good mp3 search engine.
Choral Society : If you like choral music, I think you'll enjoy listening to the Manchester Choral Society. Ahh, love that Haydn's Gloria!
Dancetrends : About 85 popular artists, including Bare Naked Ladies, Celine Dion etc. With links to other MP3z sites. A good Site.
Imesh: OK cookie, you can forget about Napster. Here's a great progie that works like napster only better (without their new restrictions). Looks like a great alternate to hobbled napster. Hunt, find, download and share all your favorite files. Give it a look see. (You'll need at least a Pentium 166)
Morpheus: They say Napster is dead, but don't cry snookums, 'cause here comes Morpheus to the rescue! With this program you can still hunt, find, download and share all your favorite songs (and more!) This program has been downloaded over 3 million times!
MP3 Path : This site has 100 full albums, and over 1000 MP3z. But I gotta tell ya, of those 1000 mp3z I recognized only 4 artists (Britney Spears, Celine Dion, Whitney Houston and Elton John.) I think the other artists names must have been choosen when they were smoking something. Anyway, give 'em a try, it won't cost you anything.
MusicMatch com.: OK, so now you've got an MP3 player and you've downloaded a few songs. But your friend has this great CD with one track that you could just die for! No problem, with MusicMatch Jukebox 4, you can just put their music CD in your CD-ROM drive, select the track(s) you want to record, and click "start". Tracks are recorded (ripped/encoded) at up to 5x faster than normal play time - with no intermediate WAV file eating up your hard drive. Create MP3s from CD or from vinyl, cassette, or microphone sources with the new line-in recording capability. With this puppy you'll have one ripping good time! Look'n for that special song? Here's an online (nothing to download) search engine for MP3z. It couldn't be simpler to use. Just type in the title you're looking for and it will find it. ( Only drawback is, it will list all links, including broken ones.) : I don't know how come this MP3 player is free, but it is. Not only is it a great state of the art player, but it has great visuals while you play your favouite songs. Snag it now, you'll thank me!
WinKaraoke Player : Hey, know what's more fun than singing in the shower with a group? Singing songs in front of your computer with a group! (well maybe). Go here to get this great free Karaoke player and see what I mean.
Cyber Piano Bar : Ok, so this isn't really pure Karaoke, (it doesn't have the bouncing ball/hilited lyrics) but I just didn't know what section to put it in. It's got a good selection of popular songs with lyrics, mostly Latin - American , played at the piano in the style used in Night Clubs. Gee, how intimate sounding can the Net get!
Diversi-Tune : Wow, It doesn't get much easier than this. You don't have to download anything at this site. The words and the colourful bouncing ball
are right there on your internet screen! And the choices! Sections include: Folk, Popular, Christmas, Jewish, Gospel, Childrens, Love Songs and more. (and the music ain't to shabby either)
Eatsleepmusic : You're gonna love this site. It's karaoke on line! That's right, nothing to download.You can sing along with some great tunes. They've got karaoke song rooms that include: Britney Spears, Shania, Backstreet Boys, Kid's, Pop, Rock, Country, Easy Listening, Music Diva's, U.S.A., Canada and hits from the 70's! You'll need Real Player, and you can it download on site. : This dude's got more than 2000 karaoke songs! Only drawback is, you can't down load just one file at a time. They're grouped alphabetically and zipped together, each zip file contains about 200 songs, both Midi and Kar. files. So you may end up downloading songs you really don't want. Make sure you open them in a separate folder, or you're really going to clutter your desk top! But what the heck, you can always delete the ones you don't want, eh?
MidiFarm : Here's a site with almost 400 Karaoke files. You can either play them on the net or download them to your hard drive. You may have to register to get them, but registration is free. They've also got a pretty good news letter.
MHVerdouw's Beatles Karaoke : Hey, any Beatles fans still left out there? If so, then beetle on over to this Karaoke site. There are over a dozen of the Fab Four's best known hits. Just click on the "Karaoke Files" button on the left hand side of the screen (it's the ninth button). But hey, don't ask me anything about this site, 'cause it's all Dutch to me.
Vipers Free Karaoke Files : Almost 2000 files! Dopwnload in 23 different compressed packets. Each packet contains about 100 songs! (kinda like a pig in a poke eh!)
The Red Kitchen: Many average people submit some pretty great recipes. They also love to blog. (hundreds of them, they just like to yatter on about anything that interests them.) You might be interested also! 
Classy Clones: Here you'll find restaurant and copy cat recipes. A really great selection! Many of the recipes on this site are actual recipes as shared by restaurants or the recipe's creator with newspapers, magazines or television and radio shows. There are also recipes that are homemade versions of the originals. Wow, now you can dine "out",without leaving home ( and save a bundle, eh?) Just what you've come to expect from Betty Crocker. It's a well laid out and professionally slick looking site. There are literally hundreds of recipes here. Main dishes (16 catagories), Side dishes (6 catagories), Desserts (6 catagories), and a special occations section. The thing I like about this site is that it has a photo of each recipe. (That way I know how close I came to duplicating or distroying the recipe!). There's a shopping list section, weekly menu planning section and a whole lot more. She even tells you how many calories, cholesterol, fat, etc., each serving contains. She's gotta be a gramma by now, but still look'n pretty good for her age, eh?
Chef2Chef : Gotta be the biggest (over 1/4 million recipes!) and one of the most deversified recipe sites out there. Just too many catagories to list. If it's edible, you'll probably find it here!
Congo Cookbook : Hey, wanna know how to make Elephant soup, or Peanutbutter Soup? Or how 'bout Chicken in Peanut - Tomatoe Sauce, or maybe Sardines & Greens Stew? This site is what the Net is supposed to be about. You're not only given recipes of the region but also intresting facts about Africa. The site is unusual in that as you place your pointer on a recipe, a listing of the ingredients appears, then to get the instructions you simply click on that recipe. Com'on, live a little, try something different for a change.
Cookie : Man, you'll think you've died and gone to cookie heaven! Categories include : Bar cookies, Christmas cookies, Cookie mix in a jar, Drop cookies, International cookies, No Bake cookies, Refrigerator cookies, Rolled cookies, etc. Each recipe lists the calories, protein, Total Fat, Sodium, Cholesterol, Carbohydrates and Fiber. They include comments by other users. There's a hints and tips section, and they've got a recipe exchange (so you can flaunt your own great recipe!). There's more, but you can go there and check everything else out yourself , O K? You can also send me one of the cookies you try.
Cooking by numbers : Kinda cute idea, You put check marks indicating what's in your cupboard and then you're told what you can make for supper. Neat eh?
CopyCat receipe Central : (click on the "THE RECIPELINK" logo at the bottom of their site) Almost 3000 receipes! They've got every thing here. Seven day menus, also vegetarian, dietbetic, low sodium so called "secret" receipes and too many more receipe catagories to mention. A News letter, chat section, bulletin board, share receipes section, etc. Go there, but watch the weight eh?.
Crock Pot & Slow Cooker Recipes: Hey, here's an index to more than 1400 crock pot & slow cooker recipes and resources! Hey this is no crock! : Now this site has to be the mother of all recipe sites! It's got all kinds of recipes including, low fat, vegetatian, gourmet etc. They also feature recipes for what ever the "current" holiday happens to be . (neat, eh?) They've got celabrity chiefs, news letters, and to much stuff to list here. Check it out, but bring your will power, 'cause remember, you did make that new Years resolution!
Low Fat Vegetarian Recipe Archive : Wow! They've got over 4,000 fat free and very low fat vegetarian recipes. You'll find 50 categories, including soups, casseroles, desserts, Indian foods, etc. Info about low fat and vegetarian diets, and a discussion area. You can even share your very own low fat recipe. Com'on, you know you should be eating more healthy stuff.
Old Tyme cooking: Great recipes with some great musical accompanyment to keep your feet tap'n while you read and copy the recipes. Kinda neat idea, eh? Catagories include : Appetizers, Baked Goods and Cookies, Beverages, Breakfast, Desserts and Sweets, Main Courses, Relishes & Pickles, Salads, Sauces & Gravies, Soups, Vegetables and Side Dishes. And if that isn't enough, you can ask him to hunt for a special recipe for you.
Recipes for one: On your own and have to do your own cook'n, Poopski? Dining alone does have its benefits, You can cook what you like. You can serve just as much as you want, when you want it. And you always eat in good company!!
Top Secret Recipes : Heinz steak sauce. Burger King breakfast sandwiches. Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. For great-tasting homemade clones of name-brand foods, you can't beat the recipes available on this Site. They tell you exactly how to match the look and taste of the treats you'd otherwise have to go out and buy. With a food urban legends section and a lively chat board (not to mention recipes sent in by visitors), it's a great site to browse as well as a great source of snack ideas. Go there, but watch the calories, eh?
Veggie Life : It's a magazine, but to see all their great vegetarian receipes just click on "back issues" and you'll then be able to select receipes and articles from their past issues.
VeggiesUnite: Com'on, start lowering that cholesterol! This site has more than a 1000 vegetarian (meatless) receipes, and they're really tasty. Receipes include comments from those who have already tried the receipe. You can add your comments too! If you become a member (dues are completely voluntary) you can then add your favourite receipes to a grocery list and a weekly meal planner. Give it a try, you've got noth'n to lose except some cholesterol. (If you're still lusting after the taste of meat, try the vegan bacon, it's awsome!) Thanks Debi Roach.
Awsome If you enjoy burying your brain in stories,including those about historyand legal cases, you will love this site. Lawbuzz, despite its misleading title, is a treasure trove of fascinating tales about historical characters, events and court cases dating back over a thousand years. (Perry Mason would have loved this site!) The twist is that every story is sprinkled with links that lead to deeper information about the subject you clicked on. If you are reading the story of Braveheart (which you definitely should, it's located in section entitled "The Stories Behind the Movies"), you can click on Edward I to find out more about the notoriously ruthless King of England. Other cool sections are: Flicks, History, Disasters and more. You can register for the e-magazine to get access to even more enthralling material. 
Incredimail Playground : Here are three fun, mind testing games to download. 1. Letter Rip: Better put your brain into overdrive and Letter Rip! 'Cause you gotta create as many words as you can before time runs out. Beat the clock and advance to an entirely different puzzle. 2. Carnival Jackpot: You can experience the fun and excitement of Mardi Gras without ever leaving your desk! Create chain reactions with the colored beads, jewels and coins and you'll feel like you just won the jackpot. 3. Topsy Turvy: Here's a game of quick thinking where you must clear the game board full of colorful game pieces before time runs out. This game has a real twist. The game board rotates, causing the game pieces to tumble around, creating an entirely new game environment every time! ( While you're there, check out their great email program,eh?)

µBook Reader: Hey Sci Fi fans, get your fill of great Sci Fi books here! : Do you like brain teasers? Well then try a boggler. They consists of letters, numbers, pictures, or symbols arranged in such a way that it forms a puzzle. For instance, the number 8 with the letter i over top of it is: I over eight ( I over ate). Clever, eh? On this site you can get thousands of 'em. Let's c how smart u really r.
CastleMountain Com : Great daily jig saw puzzles. Before you begin, you can see the completed picture. Then you dump all the pieces out. And just like in real life, you have to rotate some of the pieces. (well, a lot of the pieces). Go ahead, drive yourself nuts! : Now believe me when I tell ya, this will really expaaaand your mind! This site is a mini lesson in Zen meditation (cleverly done). Trust me, this will really slow you down and make you unwind. Give it a try ,eh? I know you'll thank me. Remember little Grasshopper, patience!
EclipseCrossword: Have you ever worked a crossword puzzle and thought, " I could make a better (harder, or easier) one than this?" Well buckoh, now you can! Just give this little gem a list of words and clues, and it will put them together into a crossword puzzle. You can print the crossword when you are finished, (and impress or bore your friends) or save it as a web page to post on the Internet. It's easy to use, and it takes only minutes to create a beautiful crossword. You won't find a free crossword creator anywhere that does everything that this baby does. Wow, this is like having your own private professor! How Stuff Works is a great place to learn about how things work in the world around us. Have you ever wondered how the engine in your car works, or what gears do, or what makes the inside of your refrigerator cold, or how cell phones work? It's got hundreds of subjects explained in nontechnical terms and sketches. Ahhh come on, learning can really be intresting, and to tell the truth, your friends say you could use a little more knowledge ! : Hey, this site won't help to make you any smarter, but it will tell you exactly what your IQ is! Com'n give it a whirl, find out just how smart you really are, eh?
LawBuzz : It's courtroom drama of fascinating tales of historical characters, events and court cases dating back over a thousand years. If you're reading the story of Braveheart (which you definitely should, it's located in the section entitled "The Stories Behind the Movies"), you can click on Edward I to find out more about the notoriously ruthless King of England. Other cool sections of LawBuzz are Famous Trials and Trials With out Justice. Perry Mason would have loved this site!
Mind teaser: Pretty good mind exercisers. A new one every day. If ya can't figure out the answers, just click on a button and they'll give it to you. ( Bet you cribed on your exams too, eh?)
One across: Hey, if you love crossword puzzles, but sometimes get stuck, then you're really going to love this site! 'Nuff said eh? Challenge yourself (or others on the Net!), to trivia, word games, riddles, etc.
Rinkworks Brain Food : Give your mind a work out on their devious collection of puzzles. There are hundreds, ranging from word games to logic problems to riddles. Some are tricky. Some require innovation. All require thinking power. If you like riddles, have a look at the Groaners sectoion at this site. But be careful with these groaners, all is not what it seems. : Hey, this is great, your own library on your hard drive! On this site they've got free downloadable books, written by unknown (up and coming?) authors. Book sections include, Fantasy, Horror, SciFi, Poetry, Mystrey, Kids, Romance, etc. The library isn't that large yet, but it's growing. And for the price, what do you expect, eh?
The JigZone:Now this is really neat-o. Work jig saw puzzles right on line! Puzzles can be from 6 (easy) to 240 (challenging) pieces, your choice. They have over 350 pictures and 29 puzzle shapes to choose from. You can upload your own favorite pictures and make them into puzzles and then share them with your friends. (Oh you're so vain!) You can also receive a puzzle a day via email and you can even send a puzzle postcard to friends. To put a little pressure on you, there is a running clock timing you. Pretty nasty, eh? I guess you could say the jigs up.
Web Puzzler:Try to solve the puzzle by rearranging the pieces. Switch any two pieces by selecting the corresponding buttons beside the image. 75 images,
William Shakespeare: Works of the the greatest playwright who ever lived. If you're looking for something by the bard, this is were you'll find it. They've got his 37 plays, 154 sonnets. You'll also find John Bartlett's famous collection of over 1500 quotations from all of Shakespeare's plays and many of his poems. Ahh, a rose by any other name, eh?
100people : Just something to think about. Nuff said.
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